A half-rectified vodka, produced regarding an ancient recipe. 3 times distilled on a rye base and dried fruits, it is characterized by a bitter taste, mostly apreciated by connoisseurs. 40%...
Vodka monopolowa is an excellent, smooth and dry vodka Rich texture and smoothness are further enhanced when served chilled with a twist of lemon or ice cold straight from the...
Czarny Bocian is an exceptional vodka that will delight every lover of this classic drink with its taste. This product is characterised by a rich aroma, which is the result...
Bialy Bocian vodka is produced in the continuity of the Zytnia range by Polmos Bielsko Biala. With a more modern design, and a long, thin and elegant neck reminiscent of...
Ciroc is the most distinctive luxury vodka for sophisticated celebrations. Made exclusively from top-quality Mauzac Blanc and Ugni Blanc grapes for smooth, fresh and innovative vodka experience. Ciroc Ignite is for any...
Our/London is a vodka produced, blended and hand bottled in Arch 435 & 436, Spurstowe Road, London, E8 1LS. It's a wheat based vodka and comes in a smaller bottle so it’s...